Comprehensive Guide to Summer Dog Care: Keeping Your Pet Cool and Safe
Summer is the ideal time if you are looking to have some outdoor fun with your furry companions. The longer strolls in the park, swimming with your dog at the beach, ambitious hikes or a family trip with the sun that shines and the outdoors calling out to you. However, the hot weather will make us uncomfortable as it poses some special risks for the dogs. Different things will turn wrong for your dog in summer, from elevated exposure to ticks and other insects to sunburn and heatstroke.
You have to keep the following safety concerns in mind as the temperature rises and follow our tips for summer dog care. They will help in keeping your pet happier and healthier during the summer days with dogs. It is the right time of the year that increases their panting, itchy skin, dehydration, and sunburns, among the different summer risks for your dogs that hardly go unnoticed. Therefore, you should always keep their safety as your priority. We have enlisted a couple of must-follow dog care tips to beat the rising heat.
Understanding the Risks of Summer for Dogs
Being a responsible pet owner is important to watch out for the common summer health issues while taking proactive measures for preventing them.
Overheating and Heat Stroke in Dogs
So, how to prevent heatstroke in dogs? Summer walks are filled with a lot of fun for the dogs; however, they become challenging under the growing heat and humidity levels. The other dog-walking tip that you can follow is to avoid all forms of overexertion. You and your dog may have a regular pace to walk; however, it is the ideal time as it is important to slow down the speed. The leisurely and slow stroll is often less fun for the dog; however, it offers them the ability to sniff and explore their surroundings. Dogs with thicker coats and short noses are often prone to get impacted by the hot temperature, so you should always keep in mind this summer safety tip for your dog. Reduce your pace, take frequent breaks, and enable your dog to rest under the shaded areas. Stay mindful about the energy level and body language of your dog and stop the dog walking if you are noticing the signs of discomfort or exhaustion.
The elevated amount of activity and warmer temperatures place dogs at a greater risk of dehydration, especially in the summer months. Signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, dry gums, loss of appetite, and lethargy. Ensure that your dog has access to fresh water at all times, and try adding ice cubes to the bowl to keep the water cooler for longer. Also, avoid exercising your dog in the hottest part of the day.
Pets will often get sunburns, mainly for those with light or short hair coats, so dog sun protection is a must. Like the individuals, it would often hurt and lead to skin cancer. If you plan on spending a day out in the sun with your furry friend then try applying sunscreen every three to four hours for hair-covered spots like ears, nose, and bellies. Use sunscreens that are specifically made for pets. Pets often try licking it, and sunscreen made for humans includes components that are often toxic for animals, such as zinc and leads to an emergency.
Essential Summer Dog Care Tips
Keeping your dog cooler during the hot weather is all about staying prepared and thinking ahead. It is essential to consider your dog's safety in the heat along with having fun when the weather becomes cooler. The aim is to minimize the probability of heatstroke and ensure that your dog is happy and healthy.
Providing Fresh Water
It is important to ensure that cold water is available and accessible to your dogs, whether you love to take them on a hike or play around in the backyard. Dogs hardly get proper hydration during playtime and are at risk of undergoing heat stress. This is mainly true during warm, humid weather, so it is essential to offer them frequent water breaks and rest.
It is often estimated that dogs' water requirements more than double when exercising in warm temperatures. Always carry a portable, collapsible water bowl or a squirt bottle, and ensure that dogs get proper hydration by giving them smaller amounts of water every fifteen to twenty minutes of exercise.
Safe Outdoor Activities
Although it is essential to keep your dog active, it is essential to choose safe outdoor activities for dogs. The early morning or late evening walks are the best as the temperatures are cooler. Try avoiding walking on the hot pavement that burns the paws of your dogs. Instead, choose the shaded paths or the grassy areas. Sandy beaches and asphalt pavement are hot when the temperature rises. The prolonged exposure to the surfaces where the paws of your pets can get scorched. Take your dog to the pet-friendly park and walk him on the grass to avoid that. The best time for exercise and long walks during the summer is right before sunset and when it is still light outside.
Cooling Products for Dogs
Several cooling products are available that help keep your furry companion in comfort. The products are mainly beneficial if your dog spends the majority of its time outdoors. The items are beneficial during outside play sessions or long walks. Try investing in pet cooling gear like mats, vests, or collars. Also, try adjusting the exercise routine for your pet when you choose for the early morning or late evening activities when the temperature is milder.

Summer Grooming Tips for Dogs
Summer brings a host of challenges to grooming your dogs right, from increased shedding to the risk of heatstroke. Proper grooming of your Cavapoo or others will keep your pup appearing at its best while supporting its physical health and comfort during the hot weather. It prevents issues like dehydration, overheating, and skin infections.
Regular Brushing
Regular brushing can help remove excessive fur and keep your dog cooler. This is especially important for double-coated breeds like Pomeranians, who suffer from overheating if their undercoat is not managed appropriately. Frequent brushing can also help remove dead hair or undercoat, which is important for helping your dog regulate its body temperature. Use gentle, dog-friendly shampoo for bathing them to keep their coat clean and reduce odors.
Proper Haircuts
Breeds like Poodle, Shih Tzus, Bichon Frise, or Cocker Spaniels would often benefit from summer grooming for dogs. Take your pet to a professional groomer for a summer trim, or get their fur thinned out. The groomers would often check for the underlying skin issues that need proper attention.
Paw Care
The paw pads on your pet's feet are sensitive. Asphalt, hot concrete, gravel, sand, and rocks are often painful and damage the pet's pads. Rips and tears and heat blisters in the pads can happen. Be mindful of the ground temperature you are walking your pet on, and avoid hot surfaces that cause harm. You can safeguard your paw pads by having them regularly conditioned and polished by a professional groomer, which leaves them less prone to painful cracks caused due to this moisture-sucking heat.
Protecting Dogs from Summer Pests
Fleas and ticks are highly active during the summer months, making tick and flea prevention for dogs important. Try using preventative products like oral medications, topical treatments, or collars will help with flea and tick prevention for dogs. Also, try checking for ticks regularly, mainly after walking in wooded or grassy areas.
Mosquitoes often transmit diseases like heartworm, so safeguarding your dog from mosquito bites is important. Try using mosquito repellant designed for dogs while avoiding walking your dog near standing water where mosquitoes breed. This will also help keep your dogs indoors during peak mosquito activity times like dusk and dawn.
Traveling with Your Dog in Summer
To keep your dog comfortable and safe in the summer, it would be best if you stayed extra cautious when traveling with it. Never leave it alone in a parked car, as the temperature elevates quickly. Use sunshades for your car windows and offer sufficient ventilation. Portable fans and cooling mats can help keep your dog cool during the ride.
The best way to spend time with your pet is by planning a dog-friendly summer vacation. Search for destinations offering pet-friendly accommodations and activities. The mountains, beaches, and parks are the ideal choices. Ensure to research the pet policies of the destination you are heading to while carrying necessary supplies such as food, first aid items, and water.
Fun Summer Activities for Dogs
Many dogs would often enjoy the water activities that can help them stay cool and entertained during the hot summer months. Water activities for the dogs include playing with sprinklers, swimming or visiting dog-friendly lakes and beaches. Swimming is the best way to cool off as it offers the best low-impact workout, mainly effective for older dogs or those with joint issues. You can also have sprinklers in the backyard as the fun and easiest way to keep your dogs cool. Dogs would often chase the water jets while playing in the spray.
The homemade dog treats will help your dog remain hydrated and cool, adding tasty and nutritious elements to their summer routine. Making DIY treats allows you to control the ingredients, ensuring that your dogs are safe. Here are a couple of simple recipes to try out:
Frozen Yogurt Pops:
- Blend plain yogurt with fruits like strawberries, bananas, and blueberries with peanut butter
- Pour this mixture into the silicone molds or ice cube trays
- Freeze them for a couple of hours until they solidify, and then serve as a refreshing snack.
Chicken Broth Ice Cubes:
- Add low-sodium chicken broth into the ice cube trays
- Freeze and offer this tasty treat to your dog. To add a flavorful twist, add the ice cubes to your dog's water bowl.

Recognizing and Responding to Heat-Related Emergencies
Identifying the signs of heatstroke in your dogs is often fruitful, mainly during the hot summer months when there are greater risks. Heatstroke happens when the body temperature of your dog elevates to dangerous levels. Early detection is essential as heatstroke can quickly turn fatal if not responded to promptly. Symptoms here include drooling, excessive panting, and red or pale gums. Dogs who suffer from heatstroke show rapid heartbeat, vomiting, lethargy, and, in serious cases, seizures to collapse. Specific breeds like Pugs or English Bulldogs and other puppies with short noses are at a higher risk. So, it is important to be on the lookout for these signs to help you take immediate action to prevent serious outcomes.
If you find that your dog is suffering from heatstroke, then take instant action to reduce the body temperature. Move your dog to cooler areas or out of direct sunlight. Offer smaller amounts of cool and not cold water to drink, as drinking too much water quickly would lead to health issues. Wet your dogs with cooler water by aiming toward areas such as the neck, head, and chest. Use a garden hose and wet towels, or place them in a shallow tub of cool water. Also, use fans or air conditioning to pace up the cooling process. However, contact your vet immediately for more advice, ensuring that your dog is safe.
Frequently Asked Questions
Let us find out some commonly asked questions that numerous pet owners wonder.
Does putting water on dogs keep them cool?
Try putting water on the areas of your dog's body with less hair, or ensure that water penetrates throughout the hair coat to help them cool down.
How do you keep dogs cool outside in the summer?
You can also offer them fresh water at all times to keep your dog cool, keep them in shady areas, and try avoiding heading outside whenever the temperature is too elevated.
How do you keep a dog cool in summer without AC?
Fans, cool water, cool cloths or cooling pads, and dog-friendly swimming holes will help your pup beat the heat without the AC.
How do you cool down a panting dog?
If your dog is panting more than normal, stop everything you are doing and find shade or an indoor air-conditioned space.
How do you keep dogs cool in summer while at work?
Before you leave for work, ensure that your dog has plenty of fresh water. Also, leave your air conditioning on or have fans run in your house. An air-conditioned doggie daycare is also the best option for your furry companion.
Being responsible pet owners, we must safeguard our dogs from external summer heat. At Happytail Puppies we offer you the best guidance that can help keep our puppies for sale cool. We help with our tailored training packages and services that will help you plan for your summer this year. The comfort of dog boarding or the perk of dog training will help your pets thrive in a space that focuses mainly on their happiness and health, whether it includes the comfort of dog boarding or friendship at doggy daycare.